A Return to that Strange Night

By Chris Eldridge Copyright 12/21/2023

It had been a tough few years.

The Plague had come among us in 2020, bringing isolation. Events that had once been in person were transitioned to be held in the virtual world. The continuation of these events was needed for certain, but there was a big difference to the experiences from times past.

I too had succumbed to the isolation. Going out and being among people took a lot more energy than it had before. Whether this was due to the plague, getting older, or a combination of things, I cannot say. I just knew it was so. Yet this year I was going to do something different.

In years passed I had observed this Longest night with friends. We would gather in a circle. We would reenact the dying of the light at Sunset by extinguishing candles till the room we were in was dark. There would be drumming and singing in the darkness as we reached out to the Sun to call it back. Then after a time a single candle would be lit as a sign that the light would be reborn at Sunrise. I had done this rite, or variations of it, with many people over the years. Those people were now distant from me in both in miles and in circumstance. I could not gather with them this year, but I would revisit the past in my memories.

I prepared my space. I set up a comfortable chair with a small round table in front of it. On the table I would create a circle of 12 votive candles, and in the center a large Jar candle that smelled of Cedar and Spruce. Nearby was my drum and my flute. These I would play in the dark as my way of calling back the light tonight. In final preparation I lit all the candles and let the scent of the large one fill the room. The space was ready. Was I?

Settling into my chair I took a few moments just to let it sink in. Taking some deep breaths to shift from one way of thinking to another, I began my rite.

Each of my twelve candles I would use as a focus to bring back a memory of celebrations gone.

The first memory was an odd one for it was of a time when the path I followed was different than the one I travelled now. Different, yet sharing a deep inner message that was in harmony. I recalled standing with my Parents and my Sister around an evergreen wreath with four candles already ablaze and a white pillar candle in the center. I would be the one to light the center candle this year. I would become the light bringer, the Herald, that announced the birth of a son. A son whose story is about bringing light into the world.

With the next Candle, the memory that came was certainly a special one. I stood in a circle of friends and acquaintances. Beside me was one who I’ve known in many lives. Our hands were wrapped in the cord of our Handfasting as together we enacted the Rite of the Lights return.

I will not relate all the memories I relived as I extinguished my circle, as some were fleeting and others too intimate to share. Finally, as the darkness was complete in the world outside, I extinguished my final candle. The Darkness had come.

I reached for my flute and played a quick succession of tunes, some known, others created on the spot. I next reached for my drum and started a slow simple rhythm. I was surprised to have another memory intrude from the past as I did this. It was of a night like this one with a gathering of friends who as the Sun set, began to drum. From that moment, till the rising of the Sun the next day, a drum beat of some sort would continue all night. I took this as a sign that this drumming rite would need to be reenacted in the coming years.

Finally, my hands grew weary, and I stopped to sit for a while in the darkness. I looked within to feel the spirit of this season. I can’t say it was quiet, as the sounds of the outside world did its best to intrude, yet I simply did not acknowledge them.

I closed my eyes, and at some point, I must have drifted, as the next thing I recall was being in a different place. Looking out I could see I was in a high place, and the world was lit only with stars. Before me was a bonfire, and around it I began to notice other people suddenly appearing. It must have been cold, as there was snow on the ground, but I did not feel cold. Either the heat of the fire, or some other inner fire, kept me warm.

Directly across from me there was a young man and he appeared to be chanting. I could not hear him with my ears, but in my head his words were clear: “Light is Returning, Light is Returning”. I took up his chant, and so did all of those others gathered around. This continued for quite a while, yet I know not how long. The next thing I recall was the young man looking directly at me and I was shocked. For the eyes that shone in that fire light I knew very well. I had seen them every day staring back at me from my mirror. He nodded in acknowledgement of this understanding I had just received. He then turned to the direction I took to be East, as there was a lightening to the sky in that direction. All in the circle turned that way, just in time to catch the first fiery spark of the returning Sun as it came over the horizon.

I returned to myself with a start and found I was back in my dark room. I reached for a match and relit my central Candle. For though in the part of the world in which I now lived Sunrise was still many hours off, I knew that the Light had returned.

Sleep did not come easily after that, for I wished to return to that strange night in that other time.

Perhaps next year I will.

For Katheryn

On the shore of the great sea
The dragon ship awaits
She who’s life we celebrate
On this bright spring day

She walks the world of memory now
Her passions flow around the world
Her friends gather from all around
To speak her name again

All Hail to thee
Kathryn Ann Fernquist Hines
Your fame knows no bounds
Kathryn Ann Fernquist Hines
We Honor you this day
Kathryn Ann Fernquist Hines
We know you and hold you close

On the shore of the great sea
The dragon ship departs
Into the west it sails
Into the blazing sunset
A glorious conflagration
A child of the north goes home

Prophecy perhaps

Down once more into the dark
The crystal cave beckons
Shiny sparkles glitter
As the candle flickers
The dance awaits a spark

The castle walls have cracked
The moat is dry
The drawbridge ropes lie slack
The ravens cry

Re-vision the dream
Let fly the arrow
Re-vision the dream
Unsheathe the sword
Re-vision the dream
Drink from the cup of inspiration
Re-vision the dream
Restore the stones

Gather at the crossroads
Companions on the quest
Gather at the crossed roads
Bring your best

Here these words of prophecy
Are written in the clouds
Hear these words of prophecy
Spoken now out loud

“The knight wanders no more,
The Gnomes have found a home
The outer door is open
The inner hall is bare
Enter into the inner world
And sit at the table round”

Threads unravel

The threads begin to unravel
The rope begins to fray
The call of the road to travel
Grows stronger everyday

What adventures lie upon the road
What knowledge to be found
What companions gathered to lighten the load
What wisdom comes around

Walk the path
The oracles say
The cycle to turn
On this new day
Walk the path
Leave troubles behind
Across the great river
Where the land is alive
And an exiles end draws nigh


Sparks fly in my soul
As I glimpse you once again
You are everywhere
In a smile, in a song
In a voice, in some eyes

You may not even see me
Your spirit calls to mine
And then moves on.
Guideposts on the trail
Towards future unity

Long have I dwelled in this tree
Chosen exile
Soon to end
Guided by one known
Or perhaps not

Lightning has struck
The tree has cracked
Only one step remains

To be reborn.


We are children of the light
Circling round the year
We are children of the dark
Circling round the year
Growing and fading across the sphere
Round and round we dance

Many celebrate the cycle of the light
Born at the end of cold winter’s night
Fully known in the midsummer rite

Few yet know the darker twin
Born in the moment of Midsummer’s sunset
Fully known in the midwinter’s dark night

The challenge is made
Bring out the dark from within
Make whole the substance of creation.


Lightning has struck
The tree lies cracked
Chosen exile soon to end

Sparks fly in my soul
Glimpsed in eyes unknown
Heard whispered in the night

I know you who is the guide
Come my friend to the tree
And set me free again

Soon the sun will rise
In clear skies purged of rain
Purged of pain
Only one path remains…

Be reborn.


On the edge of the maelstrom
The spiral is slow
Spinning round and round
Focusing Intent, despair, desire
Edging ever closer to the center

Faster and faster it turns
Emotions rise and fall in turns
Faster and faster
Swept along towards apparent disaster

On the edge
Balanced for a moment
Till the whole thing shifts
And plunges headlong towards…


I have become lost
Unanchored in the world
Tossed about on the stormy sea
Always afloat
The rudder’s broke
Drifting with the winds of change

Washed ashore
On some forgotten beach
The sun soon to rise
A path appears

Is this a dream
Or some god’s capricious scheme
Will I find only lost fantasies
Or will the scene change
Once again with the tides

Waiting and listening
Renewed and restored
I will pick up my pack
And begin the journey again

Once more upon the path
Slow steps upon the way
Till at last
At end of day
I know where
I am


Raw edges meet the world
On the edge I stand
Shredded shields hang in tatters
Everything I feel

The light shines on into the dark
The lantern hangs on its hook
The dark night cannot overwhelm
But the struggle to hold it back is real

A call is made into the night
Help I need in this fight
Name unknown
Face unseen
Are you out there somewhere
Or only within.